Privacy policy

Basic policy for the protection of personal information

Bonsai no Takumi Co., Ltd. (hereinafter, "we/our/us") believe that personal information is important property that belongs to an individual,  and that all of the people working for us must comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and the JIS Q 15001 standard (Personal Information Protection Management System - Requirements), and handle personal information appropriately and safely to protect the information and earn your trust.

  1. We appoint a chief privacy officer at each division and department handling your personal information (hereinafter, "personal information") and ensure that our chief privacy officers manage personal information appropriately.
  2. If we obtain your personal information, we will as extensively as possible specify the purposes of use and clearly provide contact information to you before obtaining your personal information.
  3. We will appropriately manage the personal information obtained from you and will not provide or disclose it to a third party other than companies that you have approved.
  4. To properly manage information, the companies to which we, with your approval as stated in 3 above, provide personal information are contractually prohibited from leaking or sharing your personal information.
  5. We may send information about our services, the products/services of our business partners by e-mail, mail or telephone if we believe this information may benefit you. You may request the stop or restart of our providing this information to you. The method for doing so is specified elsewhere.
  6. If you wish to inquire about or correct your personal information, please contact us using the contact information we have provided. We will take prompt action within a reasonable scope.
  7. We will comply with the laws, regulations, and rules that apply regarding the personal information we hold. In addition, we will review and improve our efforts stated above.

Handling of access data on the website

The website records a log of your accessing it using Google Analytics.
We will not use the recorded log data for any purposes other than understanding the utilization of the website.

Google Analytics uses cookie technology to collect traffic data. The data obtained using this technology includes data for identifying browsers, but not for identifying specific individuals. You can disable cookies in your browser's settings. However, we recommend that you enable cookies to ensure that you are able to conveniently use the website.

Refer to the following pages that describe how Google Analytics collects and uses access data, the Google Analytics terms of service and the Google privacy policy.

Google Analytics Terms of Service:
Google Privacy Policy: